Monday, May 17, 2010
Just a Reminder..."Tell Her you Love Her"
Life is fleeting, blink and you might miss it. Seriously. I have been backhanded with the brevity of human life more times than I would like to think of. Witnessing death and having such a close, personal relationship with it has given me what is either a very practical, or a very skewed perception of reality. Because I have lost so many people who were so integral to my life and to my direct happiness, (sometimes I have even watched as they gasped their last breaths, or been there soon after), I feel this sense of urgency with those I have left around me. I feel this nagging urge inside me to love everyone with every ounce of being I have and make damn sure they know how I feel. I leave nothing to chance or happenstance that is important to me, I wear my heart on my sleeve and so much so that it is usually bleeding and throbbing with the love I have for my friends and family. Full disclosure, this is how I have lived my life for 23 years and it has not always been the greatest of decisions. But dammit if people don't know exactly how I feel about them when I'm overcome with some sort of emotion towards them, be it positive or negative. (It is usually positive seeing how it is nearly impossible for me to truly dislike another human being.) I am loyal to a fault and sensitive as all get out. Witnessing death several times, in both the old, and the far too precious and young, all the while living my life with a disease I do not entirely comprehend or appreciate, has been emotionally exhausting and downright confusing. I want to live life full throttle and not be afraid of tomorrow because I truly know that it may not come. Every night when I lay my head on the pillow, I am fully aware that it may be the last. I am not trying to be morbid or scare you, it is unfortunately just the truth which I learned over three years ago in October. Nothing makes sense and if you stop to think about it, you will only get depressed and wonder why the hell we even bother. I know because I have been there. Well, let me tell you what I have learned: Your focus should not be on punching a time card, or cashing a paycheck. Do not get lost in the illusion of the size of the rock on your finger, but instead be concerned with the depth of the love in your heart. If you love someone, be it a friend, a family member, or your grocery cashier, please tell them. Don't live your life in a cloud of "what-if's?". I may not always make the right decisions and I would be lying if I said I have no regrets, but if I love you, you know it. You probably are reminded by this fact so damn much it annoys you. If I have "tagged" you in this note, it is just another reminder of how important you are to me, whether we talk every day or hardly at all. Sometimes people do not actually die to cause them to leave a void in your life, but merely your relationship with them does. Perhaps they move half way across the world, or they broke your heart, or you simply got too busy to keep in touch with them; well, it is never too late to revive that relationship and make sure they know how much you love them and how often you think of them. You might wonder what has got my mind reeling tonight and compelled me to write this? Well, I learned some terrible news that an old family friend is very sick and it was just another reminder to me to count my lucky stars. Each morning that you open your eyes, it is a gift and an opportunity for adventure, love and change. I am currently in the process of making monumental changes in my life, though slowly, and I doubt I would have the courage to do so without the love and support I have in you all. Live your life with open eyes and an open heart and truly listen to what the people around you have to say. They may not be there tomorrow and they may have had the key to unlock some mystery in your own life. The optimist in me tells me that there must be a reason for everything, otherwise some really terrible things have happened and lives have been lost for nothing. Though I usually don't understand the reasoning, I try to gain comfort and find the silver lining even in the blackest and heaviest of clouds. I may sound like a pessimist at times, but really I will be your brightest beam of sunshine when you need me. Death is only the opposite of life, a necessary force in the universe which brings balance to the cycle. We do not have to embrace it, but be as ready for it as we possibly can. Now, I'm not saying I'm going anywhere anytime soon if I have anything to say in the matter, but I just want to make sure I don't have unattended-to items on my bucket list, should I by chance kick the proverbial bucket earlier than expected. All we have of value in this world are our relationships with each other. Start to live your life with this understanding and all the trivial matters will float past you on the breeze...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hello, I'm the "Indie Virgin"
Pepper Rabbit is more than just the featured item this week at your local Panda Express; they are one of many bands that are so effing fabulous, yet unheard of by the masses, myself included. I was only just recently informed of their melodious tunes by my indie rock godmother, Miss Keshlear (The Bang Pop).
I have always been a self-proclaimed lover of music, just not necessarily of good music. I am, always have been, and always intend to be completely and utterly devoted to two bands and will never make apologies for either: Incubus being the first, and The Beatles being the second, in no particular order, of course.

I do realize how trendy it is to love both of these bands as much as I do, but that isn't going to change ever, so deal with it. I will, however, apologize for buying the music of Miss Britney Spears, Sum41, and the "I'm blue, da ba dee da ba die" guys.

I have only just recently experienced a sort of "musical awakening" if you will, and I am now being much more critical when analyzing what music is allowed to take up space on my I-pod. When shuffling through, you may still find remnants of my former musical self like "Nookie" a la Limp Bizkit or "Country Grammar" from Nelly, but you will also find the refined and mature selections that I am currently acquiring a taste for.

I compare my musical journey to the process of learning how to drink a fine wine. Most people start with a white wine for its drinkability and easy finish; I compare chardonnay to the likes of Blink 182 and Black Eyed Peas, fun but not necessarily much substance there. Next, the wine-drinker will slowly work their way to the more complex reds, which are much more well-suited for the refined palate; such as Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Yeasayer and Frightened Rabbit. Of course, bold red wines are not for everyone and these people should stick to listening to Kesha and avoid The Black Keys and Broken Bells, by all means.

For those just now deciding to take the plunge from "radio-whore" music to the dark side, I recommend taking it slow, maybe with Sea Wolf or The Temper Trap. Don't bite off more than you can chew with musician's names you can't even spell like Lykke Li or Sufjan Stevens. A small hint I have for you: if you are trying to pick out a cool indie rock band to check out, select one with the word "rabbit" or "bear" in the title; you will most likely have a really good shot at choosing something hip, I promise.

I am only just now, at the age of 23, learning to press "pause" on Avenged Sevenfold and to press "play" on Band of Skulls and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. Do it. Give it a try at least, if you don't like it, you can always spit it out in the bucket they have at all wine-tasting counters and go back to your Miley Cyrus obsession. It's ok, I know "Party in the U.S.A." gets stuck in my head too.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Something To Look Forward To
Well, Coachella is fast-approaching and anyone in Southern California who is even the least bit musically-aware should be making plans to be there. The lineup is stellar to say the least with Muse, Gorillaz and Jay Z set to headline and some of the "smaller name" bands that you might not be familiar with like Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Passion Pit, and the XX are just a few of the many which have my brain exploding with boner-esque excitement. As a "Coachella Noob", I feel like a kid who can't sleep the night before their first Disneyland trip. The only difference is that my "trip" will not involve a car-ride to the Magical Kingdom and I anticipate it will not be any less magical than Mickey's performance was in "Fantasia" either. I plan to see marching brooms and walls of cascading water, whether they are actually there or not. (Hrmm, was Mickey on hallucinogenics that day? Ooof, don't get me started on a Disney tangent or I will never stop. Just ask about my Mickey tattoo behind my ear. That's right. So, don't challenge me to "Disney Scene It" because I DO know the names of the three fairies in Sleeping Beauty. Do you?) Any-who...I am the type of paranoid, obsessive compulsive person who lives their life from one to-do list to the next. So, why should Coachella be any different? As I began to draft the list of hopes and dreams I plan to fulfill this year at Coachella, my toes began to tingle with excitement... although that may have been induced by the vicodin I popped before crawling into bed. I work at the San Diego radio station, 91X, and will be attending the festivities as a sort of field research project during which I plan to leave no stone (nor stoner) unturned. I will be very critical in my examination of the three-day music fest and take in all that is has to offer; I am going to party like it's 1969. I bring with me to Coachella three things: my thirst for adventure, my over-zealous curiosity, and the following to-do list...

1. Meet Beyonce. I know you're thinking "What the eff is this girl talking about?" Well, allow me to explain. Jay Z is performing. I work for the previously-mentioned 91X who will be interviewing as many of the performers as possible. Jay Z's wifey and juicy-bootied arm candy is, of course, Beyonce. So, it is only logical for me to assume she will accompany him to the 91X condo for said interview, right? I think she and I will become fast friends and I can show her a dance move or two.
2. Ingest anything and everything possible to alter my mental, physical and spiritual states without killing myself. I talk big game, but realistically this will probably just mean I will drink a lot more beer than my sad liver allows and be sloppy. Just let me have my wet dreams about being a flower child hippy in the psychedelic '60s, ok? Peace and love, baby. Peace and love.
3. Make Zooey Deschanel develop as big of a girl crush on me as I have on her. Please spare me the lesbian jokes, folks. That was just a phase and it's over now, but my love for Zooey remains and I think, nay, I know, she WILL love me too.
4. Avoid getting skin cancer in the hot desert sun.... or any kind of cancer, actually. I also hope to avoid herpes, syphilis, and diarrhea. Come to think of it... I hope to avoid all diseases of any kind of transmission, sexual or otherwise. We will be in the middle of the desert in a hot bed of drugs, alcohol, sex and rock and roll. Maybe this is a good occasion to invest in a full-body condom? On a side note, I also hope to avoid all H
ot Tub Time Machines. My brain will already feel like its time-warping, I don't need my body to follow suit.
5. Return home with my dignity. Or at least don't remember how undignified my weekend actually was when Monday morning rolls around. Changing my clothes each day and brushing my teeth
will at least camouflage the "shit-show" that will be occurring internally and externally. I'm hoping both of those two activities will not be forgotten in the heat of the moment of my Coachella weekend. There will be debauchery, that I cannot and will not deny and I encourage all necessary forms of documentation of the aforementioned "shit-show"... it's all in the name of good, old-fashined scientific research right? How else will I compose next year's to-do list?

Thursday, April 1, 2010
No Longer a "Blogging Virgin"
I suppose anyone who has ever started a blog assumes they are important or interesting enough that someone else out there in the universe (or several someone's) will care enough to actually read what they have to say. I am one of those hopeless and slightly narcissistic people. And I am ok with that. Is there a formula to follow when creating one's blog? I believe the first blog is always about the art of blogging itself and why the blogger feels compelled to add their nonsense to the already immense pile of shit that is on the internet. You don't have to rate my writing or judge it or recommend it to your friends. Just read it. Or don't. I will enjoy reading it myself plenty enough that I don't care if you do or not. I'm funny and entertaining all by myself, with myself, and to myself. And not just when I'm looking in the mirror, either. The best conversations are the ones I have with myself, the best dancing I do is in my bedroom alone, and I enjoy the sound of my own voice better than any one else's in the world. That being said, I'm not a loner and I'm not a bitch. I'm just a girl who says the "EFF" word one too many times a day, loves music of all kinds, (both the embarrassing uninspired, "top-40" kind of music and really great underground, badass effing stuff that is so cool you've never even heard of it). I love to read, and I have funny things to say and interesting things to talk about every once in a while. I live a neat life in the amazing city of San Diego and I want to tell you all about it. I might even brag about meeting Jared Leto once in a while, so bear with me. My name is Georgia and I am a comedian, a critic, a food and wine and beer-lover, a reader, a writer, a painter, a talker and listener, but first and foremost, I am a friend to anyone who will have me. I will love you unconditionally until you give me a reason not to. It's nice to meet you. Now read my stuff and tell me how effing ridiculous I am. You know you want to. I'm crazy... not just crazy, but bat-shit crazy. This was my first time; I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I don't smoke, but I feel like I need a cigarette.
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