So, a little music festival known as Coachella was announced last week and tickets were on sale for a total of 5 freaking days before the whole thing was sold out! How is this even possible? Last year's lineup was pretty damn stellar if you ask me (Muse, Thom Yorke, Gorillaz & Tiesto) but it did not sell out anywhere near as fast as this year has. 2010 was also the first year of doing away with single-day passes for the festival and, apparently, Goldenvoice made a great decision on that one. I hope if you were planning on attending that you already bought your festival passes or that you can afford the $1,000 a pop they're going for on Craigslist (which is just bad music juju, if you ask me!).

So why did this year sell out so quickly you ask?
HELLO!? Do you live under a rock?! Have you seen the lineup? Friday starts off with a bang with Kings of Leon and The Black Keys, although I entirely believe The Black Keys should be headlining over KoL- no disrespect, but have you seen both bands live? The Black Keys bring the effing house
DOWN when they perform! So, I know it goes without saying but I am thrilled to be seeing them again! Other Friday acts I'm excited for: Brandon Flowers' sexy-ass solo stuff, Flogging Molly, Sleigh Bells (even if they do suck live, I want to see them!) Cee Lo Green (his F*ck You song is
ALWAYS stuck in my head) and the regal Ms. Lauryn Hill. No, I haven't been jamming to her stuff lately, but what a nostalgic ride it would be to see her perform "That Thing" live! Hello, highschool!

Saturday is probably the most mind-blowing lineup, in my opinion. Arcade Fire is headlining which is
fan-freaking-tastic but I am beyond thrilled to see Mumford & Sons perform! I have spent the past year trying to convince my brother to love them as much as I do, (he doesn't understand how a "country" band can be from England), and I think I am finally succeeding. I love the sound of the banjo with their soulful vocals and insightful lyrics... ahh, I could go on forever. So, yes, I am
STOKED for Mumford & Sons. Other Saturday acts include: Bright Eyes, The Kills (love me some Alison Mosshart, she pretty much equals
sex in my eyes) and Gogol Bordello! I have yet to see Gogol live and I cannot wait to get my Russian gypsy dancing on! **Side Note: I just watched Wrist-Cutters for the first time (which, is a movie about the bleak and dreary realm your soul is trapped in after committing suicide and the entire thing is filmed in my hometown- AWESOME) and I am now completely in love with Eugene Hutz of Gogol. Watch it!**

I'm really not disappointed with Sunday's lineup either. I can't say I would ever purposefully go to a Kanye West show, not because he's not talented- because he is, he's just not at the top of my list. So, the fact that he is headlining Sunday and giving me a chance to see his incredibly talented, yet overly douche-baggery self live on stage is...
AWESOME. My biggest brain-gasm on Sunday is for The Strokes! This will be more nostalgic for me than even Ms. Lauryn Hill. I have loved The Strokes for almost as long as I have loved music (perhaps a
slight exaggeration), and I just cannot wait to see them live for the first time ever! They have always been on my bucket list and seeing them in the beautiful setting of Coachella, with those epic mountains in the distance, is just going to be glorious! Not to mention on Sunday: Nas & Damian Marley, Jack's Mannequin and Jimmy Eat World- an eclectic bunch, I know, but that's who I'm pumped for! I don't discriminate- "gangta-ass rasta" or "bleeding heart emo"- I love it all!

Well, there you have it folks, Coachella in Georgia Peach's nutshell. If you haven't bought your tickets yet, you could always do like my good friend Adam did and hop the fence! NOTE: I in
NO WAY condone this option and if you get caught it is
your own damn fault! But, shhhhhh, it works sometimes! Good Luck!

youre really pretty and I miss your face
ReplyDeleteJacque! I love you for reading my blog, gorgeous! xoxo